
Tables of Time

Page history last edited by searchinGirl 6 days, 3 hours ago


Time Line of Events


1977 -1994 From Atlanta to Boulder 


Patsy Ramsey Named Miss West Virginia.


JonBenet Ramsey Born. Born in Atlanta.


Move to Boulder. Ramseys relocated to Boulder from Atlanta.


Beth Ramsey Killed. Beth Ramsey killed in automobile accident in Chicago, IL.


Ramseys bought 1,731 sq ft home in Charlevoix, Michigan for $336,400.


Patsy Ramsey Breast Cancer Diagnosis. PR went to Charlevoix Community Hospital for two exams and MRI.


Burke Hits JBR with Golf Club on her cheek during his backswing.


JBR went to plastic surgeon in Denver for scar related to golf club.


Historic Homes for the Holidays Tour. The Ramseys house is among 7 included in this holiday tour, culminating in 1500 to 2000 guests walking through the house.


1995 Pageants, Awards, Newspaper Articles 


JonBenet Ramsey won Colorado All-Stars Christmas Pageant.


JonBenet Ramsey won Little Miss Colorado Sunburst.


John Ramsey won the Entrepreneur of Distinction Award.


John Ramsey appeared in Boulder County Business Report.


JonBenet appeared as Little Miss Colorado Sunburst. Boulder City of Lights Parade


1996 - Christmas, Magazines, More Pageants, Celebrations, Parade Floats


The April 1996 issue of Women's Magazine profiled Patsy Ramsey and included a lot of personal information about her and the family.


JonBenet won America's Royale Tiny Miss division title.


JonBenet won 2nd Place in Sunburst National Pageant in Atlanta, Georgia.


40th Birthday Celebration for Patsy.


JonBenet appeared on her own Little Miss Colorado float during the Lights of December Parade on the Boulder Mall; Burke also was in this parade.


Church Party in Ramsey Home. A party at the Ramsey home on Dec. 13 was attended by more than 150 friends from church.


Sometime in December JonBenet tells gardener Brian Scott about John Ramsey: I really miss him. I wish he was around more .


Ramsey Christmas letter sent out.


JonBenet won Colorado's Little Miss Christmas and wins Santa Bear in Denver-area pageant.


Access Graphics had luncheon party to celebrates $1 billion mark for more than 300 employees at the Hotel Boulderado See acandyrose.com for further news about this luncheon and its connection to JBR's death.


JBR appears in Rock Around the Clock performance at High Peaks Elementary School.


Daily Camera business writer Tom Locke publishes article on Access Graphics reaching $1 billion in sales.


JonBenet Ramsey appeared in beauty pageant at Southwest Plaza Mall.


Ramsey Christmas Party. The Ramseys hosted a Christmas party, with approximately 30 guests attending, and with former journalism professor Bill McReynolds playing Santa Claus.

12/23/96 - 6:47pm

Someone attending the Ramsey's Christmas party placed a 911 call; the caller hung up without saying anything. Police call back only to get the Ramsey's answering machine. An Officer goes to the home at 6:54 pm and leaves at 7:09 pm after being assured that there was no emergency.


Article appeared in the Boulder Daily Camera regarding the Ramsey Christmas party.


JonBenet played at her friend Megan Kostantic's house and told Megan's mother, Barbara, about a secret visit from Santa after Christmas.

12/24/96 - ~8:00pm

Ramseys attend twilight service at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder.

12/24/96 - ~9:00pm

John Ramsey retrieves a brand-new silver girl's bike stored in neighbor Joe Barnhill's garage and places it under the Christmas tree for JonBenet.

12/24/96 - ~9:30pm

Ramseys get stashed gifts from basement area.


1996 Christmas Day Celebration at the White's, Ramseys Party and Come Home 

12/25/96 - ~6:00am

Ramseys Wake Up. Open presents and make breakfast.

12/25/96 - ~12:00pm

John Ramsey Checks on Plane.

12/25/96 - ~3:00pm

John Returns Home from Checking Plane.

12/25/96 - ~6:00pm

White Xmas Party. Ramseys left for Xmas Party at Fleet and Priscilla White's. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary occurred at the party and the Ramsey family appeared happy.


12/25/96 - ~8:45pm

Ramseys Left Party. On the drive home from the party, JonBenet and her brother Burke fell asleep in the car. Ramseys dropped off gifts at Stewart and Roxy Walker's and Glenn and Susan Stine's house on the way home.


12/25/96 - ~9:30pm

Ramseys arrive home.

12/25/96 - ~9:45pm

John puts JBR to bed.

12/25/96 - ~9:45pm

John plays game with Burke.

12/25/96 - ~10:00pm

Burke goes to bed.

12/25/96 - ~10:00pm

JBR Last Seen Alive. And last been seen in her bed.

12/25/96 - ~10:30pm

Patsy Goes to Bed. John Goes to Bed. Defendants claim they were not awakened during the night.



December 26, 1996 Early Morning12:00am - 2:00am

12/26/96 - 12:00am

Neighbor Sees Lights at Ramseys. Scott Gibbons looked out his kitchen window at the Ramsey residence and observed the upper kitchen lights were on and dimmed low.


12/26/96 - ~1:00am

Stewart Long and Melinda Ramsey returned to the home of Lucinda Johnson in Marietta, Georgia.


12/26/96 - ~12:30am

The movie that John Andrew and his friends, Chris Stanley, and Brad Millard were watching ended.


12/26/96 - ~1:00am

Brad Millard, Chris Stanley and John Andrew Ramsey returned to the Millard home in Georgia so that John Andrew Ramsey could pick up his mother's vehicle.


12/26/96 - 1:00am

Neighbors Adam Vermiere and Luke Vermiere went to bed after watching movies late into the evening. They did not notice or hear anything unusual.


12/26/96 - 2:00am

Neighbor Melody Stanton heard scream.


5:30am Early Morning Rising

12/26/96 - 5:30am

John Ramsey Awoke. Patsy Ramsey awoke a few minutes later. While Mr. Ramsey took a shower, Mrs. Ramsey put back on the same outfit she had on the night before and reapplied her makeup. John Ramsey reportedly awoke before Patsy, at about 5:30, and dressed after showering.


12/26/96 - ~5:45am

Ransom Note Discovered. Mrs. Ramsey went down the backstairs towards the second floor, then the spiral stairs towards the ground floor, where, on a step near the bottom of the stairs, she discovered a handwritten note on three sheets of paper that indicated JonBenet had been kidnapped. Mrs. Ramsey immediately screamed and proceeded to check JonBenet's room, which was empty.


12/26/96 - ~5:52am

Mr. Ramsey went downstairs to read the Ransom Note, while Mrs. Ramsey called the police, informing them that her child had been kidnapped.


12/26/96 - ~5:52am

Parents Checked on Burke. After hearing Mrs. Ramsey's scream, Mr. Ramsey ran downstairs and met Mrs. Ramsey in the stairwell. Together, they checked on their son who appeared to be asleep in his room.



5:52am Calling for Help 

12/26/96 - 5:52am

Patsy made 911 call.

12/26/96 - ~5:53am

Ramseys phone family friends Fleet and Priscilla White, John and Barbara Fernie immediately after the note was found.


12/26/96 - 5:55am

Officer French Dispatched and proceeded to 755 15th Street regarding a ransom demand and kidnapping.



5:59am Officer French Arrives Whites Arrive - 6:03 am

12/26/96 - 5:59am

Officer French arrives at Ramsey house; reads Ransom Note.

12/26/96 - 6:00am

Sgt. Paul Reichenbach hears Officer French dispatched.

12/26/96 - ~6:00am

Officer French Searched Basement but fails to Search Wine Cellar Room.

12/26/96 - ~6:03am

Fleet & Priscilla White arrived at Ramsey house.

12/26/96 - 6:05am

Sgt. Robert Whitson received a page to call watch supervisor Paul Reichenbach.



6:06am Fleet Checks Basement, Friends Arrive 6:20am

12/26/96 - ~6:06am

Within 15 minutes of arriving Fleet White went downstairs to basement to look for JBR. He looked in the Train Room where he said a window was broken, with no notation of whether it was open or closed. Under the broken window there was a suitcase along with a broken shard of glass. Mr. White also opened the door to the wine cellar room, but he could not see anything inside because it was dark and he could not find the light switch.


12/26/96 - 6:10am

BPD officer Karl Veitch responds to the scene. The police did not seal off the defendants' home, exception the interior of JonBenet's bedroom. Any person in the Ramsey house could, and often did, move freely throughout the home.


12/26/96 - ~6:20am

Fleet White, Priscilla White, John Fernie, Barbara Fernie at the Ramsey house.


12/26/96 - 6:30am

Det. Fred Patterson was contacted by Sgt. Whitson to respond to Boulder.

12/26/96 - 6:35am

Linda Arndt receives a call from Sgt. Whitson of a reported kidnapping.

12/26/96 - 6:35am

Sgt. David Kicera told officer Barry Weiss to respond to the scene.


 6:45am John Contacts Pilot, Victim Advocates Show Up 

12/26/96 - ~6:45am

John Ramsey leaves message for his pilot Michael Archuleta who returns the call a few minutes later; Patsy answers the phone.


12/26/96 - 6:45am

BPD officers Barry Weiss, Sue Barcklow, and Sgt. Paul Reichenbach arrive at Ramsey house.


12/26/96 - 6:45am

BPD Victim Advocates, arrive at Ramsey house. Early that morning, police had called in a team of victims' advocates, trained in helping families through traumatic situations, who arrived with bagels and coffee.


12/26/96 - 6:45am

Priscilla White called niece at White house.

12/26/96 - 6:50am

Officer Weiss and Officer Barklow photographed and fingerprinted areas of the house. Officer Veitch collected the ransom note.



A Gathering at the Crime Scene 7:00am Burke Awakened

12/26/96 - 7:00am

Det. Patterson began gathering items he would need at the scene.

12/26/96 - 7:00am

Burke Ramsey is awakened and dressed.

12/26/96 - 7:13am

Rev. Hoverstock from St. John's Episcopalian Church arrives at Ramsey house just before Burke left for Whites.


John searches Basement 7:30am Found Broken Window, Planned Ransom Dollars

12/26/96 - ~7:30am

John Ramsey searched the basement area alone. He found the broken window partially open. Under the broken window, he also saw the same suitcase seen earlier by Mr. White.

12/26/96 - 7:30am

John Ramsey planned to get the $118,000 demanded in the ransom note.

12/26/96 - 7:33am

BPD Canine Unit on Standby.

12/26/96 - 7:55am

Reichenbach meets with BPD Detectives Linda Arndt and Fred Patterson at the Basemar Shopping Center to brief them on the case.

Butler Door Wide Open 8:00am, Arndt & Peterson Arrive 8:10am

12/26/96 - 8:00am

Neighbor Scott Gibbons got up and observed a basement door leading into a kitchen area was standing wide open.

12/26/96 - 8:00am

Fleet White returned to the White residence with the Fernie children and Burke Ramsey.

12/26/96 - 8:10am

Linda Arndt and Fred Patterson arrive at Ramsey house.

12/26/96 - 8:21am

The three-page ransom note was received into Boulder Police Department property.

Standard Procedure Followed 8:30am

12/26/96 - ~8:30am

BPD followed standard procedure by putting taps inside the house and at John Ramsey's office.


12/26/96 - ~8:30am

Arndt Instructed John Ramsey. Linda Arndt told John Ramsey what to say if the ransom call came: demand to talk to JonBenet. John Ramsey took notes. Must talk to JB, he scribbled.


Advocates Cleaned Kitchen 8:30am

12/26/96 - ~8:30am

After using the kitchen, the advocates began tidying it up, one friend helped clean the kitchen, wiping down the counters with a spray cleaner--and possibly wiping away important evidence. 

12/26/96 - 9:21am

Det. Byfield contacted Det. Patterson to tell him that Laurie Vencel, Lafayette State Bank was collecting the money for the ransom.

12/26/96 - 9:22am

Det Byfield contacted Det. Kithcart to respond to the BPD to assist in the investigation.

12/26/96 - 9:27am

Det Byfield contacted Gary Merriman a list of the employees at Access graphics.

12/26/96 - 9:30am

Ransom Amount Arranged. John Fernie returned to the Ramsey residence after meeting with his banker and arranging to have $118,000 in cash available.

12/26/96 - ~9:30am

Sergeant Whitson arrived. BPD Sergeant Bob Whitson arrived at house, entering through rear exterior kitchen.

12/26/96 - 9:45am

Det. Jeff Kithcart arrived at the Boulder Police Department.

9:50am Detectives at Access Graphics 

12/26/96 - 9:50am

Det. Everett and Det. Byfield met with Gary Merriman at Access Graphics.

12/26/96 - 10:00am

No one mentioned to Det. Arndt that the suspected kidnappers had not called within the designated time period.


12/26/96 - 10:07am

Det. Everett and Det. Byfield respond to the Ramsey residence.

12/26/96 - ~10:30am

JBR Bedroom Sealed. JonBenet's bedroom had been sealed off by Detectives Arndt and Fred Patterson.


12/26/96 - 10:30am

All additional police officers and victim advocates other than Linda Arndt and family members and friends leave the Ramsey residence.


12/26/96 - 10:45am

Representatives from the FBI arrive at the BPD.

12/26/96 - 12:30pm

Det. Arndt notices John Ramsey to be by himself.

12/26/96 - 12:30pm

Det. Arndt phoned Larry Mason at BPD.

12/26/96 - ~1:00pm

Arndt Tells John Ramsey to Search House. The mood in the house was quiet and tense. John Ramsey milled anxiously around the living room; Patsy sat virtually motionless in a chair.



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